Hernia Society of India (HSI), the national chapter of Asia Pacific Hernia Society, is an organization dedicated to promotion of herniology. We welcome organisers of CMEs, seminars, training courses related to hernia surgery to seek endorsement from HSI for their event.
Following are the prerequisites for granting such endorsement:
– The main organisers (Chairman/ Secretary) of the event must be members of HSI.
– The organisers should seek prior permission regarding the endorsement by emailing the President HSI Dr Deepraj Bhandarkar (deeprajbhandarkar[at]gmail[dot]com) and Hon. Secretary, HSI Dr Manish Baijal (mbaijal[at]yahoo[dot]com).
– Preferably, one of the senior office bearers (President / Hon. Secretary / Hon. Treasurer) or one executive committee member from the zone should be a Faculty at the event and their travel expenses, local hospitality and conference registration should be borne by the organisers.
– Endorsement from HSI is merely for the purpose of promoting the art and science of herniology and does not in any way make HSI liable for any medicolegal or financial repercussions arising out of the event.
– The logo of HSI must be prominently displayed on the brochures, backdrops, banners, podium standees and all promotional material related to the event along with the words “Endorsed by Hernia Society of India”.
– The logo as well as the text should also appear on the certificates distributed to the delegates.
– The organisers must actively encourage and ensure that at least ten surgeons become members of HSI at the event.
– At the conclusion of the event, the organisers must submit a brief report outlining the event to the Hon. Secretary along with a few photographs. This material may be used in the HSI Newsletter or on the HSI website.