The 12 th annual conference of Hernia Society Of India for the year 2018 was held in Chennai from September 6 th – 8 th , 2018. The venue was Hotel Hilton and the pre-conference courses were conducted In Shree Ramachandra Medical College And Research Institute (SRMC).
The pre-conference workshop was conducted on 6 th September in SRMC. The inauguration was done by Vice Chancellor Dr. Vijayaraghavan in the presence of our Organizing Chairmen Dr. Zameer Pasha & Dr. K. Balaji Singh and Co-organising Chairman Dr. K. Govindraj. The cadaveric workshop was conducted in SRMC cadaveric laboratory under the leadership of Dr. Manish Baijal. Eleven candidates were given hands on training. TEP / TAPP / IPOM / component separation were demonstrated and the candidates had a chance to perform all the procedures themselves.
Simultaneously the pre-conference laparoscopic master video course was conducted in SRMC auditorium under the guidance of Dr. Rajesh Khullar. Fourteen faculty gave lectures on various topics, and the course was enjoyed by around a hundred and sixty delegates. This was followed by mentoring by under Dr. Ramesh Agarwalla & team where all topics of controversy and technical difficulty were discussed in a panel of fifteen faculty. Training in endosuturing was given to around 100 delegates by Dr. Asish Kanti Hira & team.
Around 658 delegates had enrolled for the congress. Virtual simulators and endo trainers were arranged for the delegates as well. In the live workshop a total of 13 cases were performed (8 on screen / 5 off the screen) under the arrangements of Dr. Sandeep Dave & Dr. Saravanan In the afternoon the scientific sessions were conducted simultaneously in Halls A and B. A Highlight of the evening was International Tele-symposium with lectures from four international faculty (Dr. Eric Pauli, Dr. Flavio Malcher, Dr. David Chen and Dr. Igor Belyansky).
Day 3
Academic sessions consisted of panel discussions, hernia debate and a interesting hernia quiz conducted by Dr. C S Rajan. Dr. Sandeep Dave gave the Presidential Lecture and Dr. Pradeep Chowbey delivered the Lecture of Honour. Dr. Tehemton Udwadia delivered the prestigious “Founder President Dr. H. G. Doctor oration” All these were a real academic feast for the delegates and the faculties as well. The final day concluded with another International Tele- symposium with Dr. Wolfang Reinpold, Dr. Gustavo Carvalho and Dr. Davide Lomanto delivering excellent talks.
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